What We Do
Rancho San Antonio offers a range of services designed to promote hope and healing.

Rancho has two Short Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTP) that are trauma informed and serve court referred male youth 13-18 years of age as well as non-dependent minors.
The programs are designed to be intensive and to assist youth in addressing life patterns that resulted in placement outside of their homes…
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Rancho has a contract with the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health Substance Abuse Prevention and Control (SAPC) as an Outpatient/Intensive Outpatient SUD Treatment Program.
This program also offers prevention and early intervention as well as Recovery Services for youth ages 12-20. Our program is designed as a life recovery model that uses best practice principles of treatment such as assessment, relapse prevention, trauma informed treatment and psychoeducation…
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The Creative Healing Arts Program is part of Rancho’s diverse experiential programming. The motto of Creative Healing Arts is “Heal And Be Heard.” Services are developed through collaboration between staff and youth.
The music studio is used to promote creative expression, pro-social emotional release, encouragement of skill development, through a solution focused and trauma informed approach…
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Rancho’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) program, also known as “Hope’s House” (or in Spanish, “Casa De Esperanza”), is licensed and funded for a total bed capacity of 32 male unaccompanied children (UC), ages 13-17, who enter the United States without immigration status and without a parent or legal guardian who can provide for their immediate physical and mental well-being…
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Rancho has trained and integrated the trauma-informed framework model of Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) into its treatment programs and workplace.
We invest in clinical and other professional training for staff at all levels, including direct care, clinical services, substance use treatment, administrative, and business development, in addition to contract agreements with county, state, and federal regulatory bodies…
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Rancho’s Youth Diversion Program engages and supports youth who are at risk of offending or entering the formal youth justice system.
Each youth is assessed utilizing a strengths-based approach to identify areas of interest and provide linkages to appropriate community resources that meet their unique needs…
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Rancho offers Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) 18-23 year old males that are facing housing insecurity an opportunity to build a solid base for the future. Participants are encouraged to establish financial security and pursuit of educational goals. There is a mock rent system in place to teach responsibility of paying bills on time and acts as a savings account. They receive all their money back upon moving out on their own.
Written contracts detail the rules and expectations all participants must adhere to. The focus is to prevent homelessness and offer support to former foster youth and/or youth in need of transitional support through provision of housing…
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