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Transitional Age Youth Apartments

Rancho offers Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) 18-22 year old males that are facing housing insecurity an opportunity to build a solid base for the future. Participants are encouraged to establish financial security and pursuit of educational goals. There is a mock rent system in place to teach responsibility of paying bills on time and acts as a savings account. They receive all their money back upon moving out on their own.

Written contracts detail the rules and expectations all participants must adhere to. The focus is to prevent homelessness and offer support to former foster youth and/or youth in need of transitional support through provision of housing and encouraging independent functioning.

The TAY Apartments have been approved as a SILP (Supervised Independent Living Program) and accepts AB12 youth.

Apartment Guidelines

  • Male applicants fall into the age range of 18 to 22 years
  • Applicants must be motivated to invest in their future through work and education
  • A commitment to self improvement goals designed to encourage independence
  • An application and on site interview is required for all applicants
  • A $300 security deposit is required

If you are interested in applying, please download the application or contact Paul Garcia at 818-882-6400 Ext. 159 or

Donate To Rancho San Antonio

Help prevent homelessness for Transitional Aged Youth!
